I had a great week to work on the Sierra West Boiler Repair Shop. After gluing the sides together, I had a chance to add the rood, venting and smoke stacks. Here are pictures of the four sides. I changed the roofing material from tar paper to Bar mills Shingles. the burner stack is a separate item and will be glued on the module in place.
I took the photos outside in the natural light. The doors are metal castings and the building sides are board on board over card stock. The windows are peel and stick while the frames are board on board. I used the Monster Nailer for all the nail holes. There will be a porch with roof over the front entrance scene above.
This side will eventually have doodads around it and that should liven it up quite a bit
I used almond Krylon spray bomb on the brick part of the burner to highlight the mortar. Then I dry brushed brown on the bricks. Next I lightly sprayed Krylon rust primer. Then dry brushed some rust Bragdons on it. The door was done with smoke and black brown Vallejo paint and while wet I dabbed on some dark Bragdon rust powder and blew off the excess.
There will be tracks going into the building at the big double doors. There will also be an overhead crane to lift heavy metal parts and supplies off the flat cars that service this business.