Lyon Valley Northern

This site is designed to promote the hobby of ferroequinology. It also provides an opportunity to show the development of the "Lyon Valley Northern": an HO railroad featuring CN and BNSF action in the West. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments at

My Photo
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Friday, December 31, 2010

Painting Horses

To paint the horses I chose colours that would represent a Bay well.  First I painted white primer on these O Scale Resin Aspen Models.  Then I painted a Base coat of Vallejo Red Black.  The mussel, tail, mane and lower legs were painted with Vallejo Black Brown.  I used a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.  Next I painted the harness with Vallejo Black Brown followed by a wash of Vallejo Leather.  The metal was done with Vallejo Steel and Warhammer Cidedel mytheral silver.

As you can see there is quite a sheen on the horses.  This is a result of adding Citadel mahogany ink wash over the horses coat.  This is indeed a realistic look as most Bay horse coats shine.

 I then took some bone white and painted the blaze on the forehead and the fetters of one horse.

 I also dry brushed the tail and mane with a mix of Vallejo new wood and black brown
 In the shadow areas of the horse I applied a thin wash of Citadel Brown ink.  This increases the dimensions.  Also provided this application into the recesses of the mane, tail, mussel and fetters
 The final step was to take some burnt sienna bragdon powder and lightly brush it on the model to tone down the sheen.
A little black ink wash was also applied over the silver to reduce the shine a bit.  Now all Ron has to do is build some wagons and buggies for these guys.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Coal Drag Video on the LVN

LVN Coal Drag 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas



Layout Photos of location for install of AMB Kit and FOS Kit

The Rooming house, tower are located on the far wall in Shelby.  Right now I placed them on some loose ballast to get a feel where i want them located.  I will build a diorama with some grass, bushes and sidewalks and also add some doodads. 

 Here are the two kits on the station track.
 The tower 1 was an easy kit that comes from FOS scale.  It is a lasercut structure with Tichi windows and doors.
 Here you can see it with the walthers city station. Should make for an inviting scene.
 Close up of the tower.  I had installed the big bay window upside down so with the use of canopy glue to install it I pried the window carefully so I could get a number ii blade under the window and was able to cut the glue and popped out.  Problem fixed.  The value of photos and extra eyes.
Looking forward to doing some more on this area over the holidays.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Final Photos of the completed Railroad Workers Build

Glued the four sides together and then attached it to the Base.

 I added paper blinds and drapes into the windows.

 I also added a black insert so that you could not see through into the unfinished building
Finished the build over the weekend.  The walkways were all laser cut.  They fit together really well. 

 The roof was laser cut peel and stick paper.  I pre- painted it with a camo krylon black green spray bomb.
 The white metal parts were clean and so I just had to paint them.  I again used Krylon aluminum and rust.  The brick mortar was Roberts.  I then weathered with Bragdon powders.
 The backside of the building shows the subtle weathering with the brown, black and rust bragdon powders.
 The closeup shows the neat fit of the roof to the building sides.  There were slots for easy alignment.
Voila.  All I need to do is build a small diorama and mount it into the layout.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

More progress on the AMB kit

Today I managed to install the windows and doors.  Weathered the siding  etc.  I am looking forward to painting in some window shades and glueing the four walls together.