CHEO station Build part 3
I reenforced the end walls with some wood bracing so I would have stronger corner and roof joints. Then I glued the four walls together. Then I added the bay window area to the structure and glued the assembly to the base.
Next, I glued the roof halves together and the internal bracing that came with the kit and dry fitted the roof to the building. All was fitting very well as it assembles like a puzzle.with slots.
A view from the other side shows how detailed the trim is on this kit.
Front on view shows that there is a requirement to add more paint to the trim as the peel and stick edges are exposed.
The roof was then shingled. You start with the lower front eight which takes you to the dormer. next you shingle the dormer. Then the rest of the front to the peak. Then it is onto the backside and finally the roofing caps. I then removed the roof and sprayed the entire thing with Camo green black from Krylon. Gives a nice flat finish and it complements the Santa Fe Red and vanilla colours.
Next I applied hte trim and gingerbread.
Finally I glued the roof to the building and added the chimney. Now all I need is some direction from the CHEO layout organizers as to the platform dimensions and shape and approval of the station name sign.