Lyon Valley Northern

This site is designed to promote the hobby of ferroequinology. It also provides an opportunity to show the development of the "Lyon Valley Northern": an HO railroad featuring CN and BNSF action in the West. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments at

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Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Friday, March 25, 2011

CHEO station Build part 3

I reenforced the end walls with some wood bracing so I would have stronger corner and roof joints.  Then I glued the four walls together.  Then I added the bay window area to the structure and glued the assembly to the base.

Next, I glued the roof halves together and the internal bracing that came with the kit and dry fitted the roof to the building.  All was fitting very well as it assembles like a puzzle.with slots.

A view from the other side shows how detailed the trim is on this kit.

 Front on view shows that there is a requirement to  add more paint to the trim as the peel and stick edges are exposed.
 The roof was then shingled.  You start with the lower front eight which takes you to the dormer.  next you shingle the dormer.  Then the rest of the front to the peak.  Then it is onto the backside and finally the roofing caps.  I then removed the roof and sprayed the entire thing with Camo green black from Krylon.  Gives a nice flat finish and it complements the Santa Fe Red and vanilla colours.
 Next I applied hte trim and gingerbread.
Finally I glued the roof to the building and added the chimney.  Now all I need is some direction from the CHEO layout organizers as to the platform dimensions and shape and approval of the station name sign.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CHEO Station Build part 2

I made some progress today. With the stains dry, I decided to put all the windows and doors together. I then scrubbed in some medium rust and grime Bragdon Powders. I then hit it with Mineral Spirits and let it dry.

I dry fitted some of the parts, just to get an idea of what the colours looked like together.

I then hit it with AI as I thought it was just to light. Needed more contrast between the vanilla and the Santa Fe red. I also added some pins for door-knobs.

Dry fit to the base. Hmmm. Need some shades in the windows.

I decided I needed a contrasting colour for the model so I decided to put in some green painted blinds in the windows.

Well that is all for today. I think the building will be glued together tomorrow. Then onto the roof.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CHEO Raffle Layout Station Build

The CHEO Raffle Layout is an annual model railroad activity in which an MR organization volunteers to put together a layout that is raffled to raise funds for the Children's Hospital here in Ottawa.  This year the St Lawrence Division of the NMRA is building a 7x4 ft HO railroad.  We received donations from all over the world and locally to help us with the build.  Structures, locomotives, rolling stock as well as scenic materials.  I decided to take on the building of the station.  It is a American Model Builders Craftsman Kit donated by a Railroad_line forum member from the USA.   

 The first pictures shows what you get in the box.  The Springfield station is generic and has lots of character.  The kit has shake shingle roofing, laser cut walls and floor.  The windows, doors and trim are laser cut peel and stick.  There is one metal cast chimney.  There are puzzle cut corners for easy assembly.

To start with I stained the parts with water based woods stains.  I mixed a Santa Fe red using raspberry and maple stain.  The backs were done with black as well as both sides of the roof and floor.  I used vanilla craft paint with a white wash stain for the trim.  Here are the parts ready for the build.  I think before I do that I will add some bragdons to create a weathered depth in the wood and some AI fro the grain.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Finishing up the rooming house station scene

Well it has been awhile but I finally got around to working on the rooming house scene. I wanted to get at it but was not motivated because I did not have a picnic table for my waiting crew to sit at.

The station is right against the wall so it is important that there is a painted backdrop to extend the scene.

As you can see the scene extends along the back wall. I took some stock sidewalk styrene and cut out what I needed to run it from the station to the tower. Then added some areas for the crew picnic table and walkways from the doors to the parking lot and the track side. After painting it with krylon camo tan I glued the sections together using the buildings as a guide to get the spacing right.

 The tower from FOS Scale really provides a great framing for the rooming house and being forward from it provides more depth to the scene.

 I added 32 LPs to the scene and arranged them to provide a Canadian Cultural Mosaic.

 I made sure the lawn was lush and green indicating it was well cared for.
 The linear view adds a sense of a great stretch of busy railroading for crew changes and passenger pickup.
 The rooming house may need a few more doodads such as an oil tank, pop machine etc.
 The picnic table is a lasercut model with 13 components.  A jig is provided to help assemble these tiny tiny parts.  Mike Hamer was kind enough to give me this kit so I could get on with the project.  The LPs are standard though I painted the orange vests over their cloths to give them the RR worker look for modern times.
 This gal is the cleaning lady and she is waving to a crew member.  Maybe her boyfriend or husband,
Here you can see the lady feeding her dog.  He is quite attentive and is sitting up for the treat.

I am looking forward to the first trains through Shelby so I can catch the action at this lively little scene.