D&H Ops Session on the LVN
Well the D&H buddies came over to operate the LVN and Ron Newby was kind enought to snap some photos.
The first one was of my latest undustry. A lumber yard with a Walther;s kit as the main structyure. The building has a detailed interior with racks of wood. However signs and weathering remain to be done/ Also lots of detailing in the yard itself to come.
The first one was of my latest undustry. A lumber yard with a Walther;s kit as the main structyure. The building has a detailed interior with racks of wood. However signs and weathering remain to be done/ Also lots of detailing in the yard itself to come.
After Graeme finished with his grain train assignment he visited with Normand at the Richmon Yard. He is watchning the time saver puzzle in full swing and Norm finished the assignment in a timely manner.