Lyon Valley Northern

This site is designed to promote the hobby of ferroequinology. It also provides an opportunity to show the development of the "Lyon Valley Northern": an HO railroad featuring CN and BNSF action in the West. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments at

My Photo
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Monday, March 29, 2010

D&H Ops Session on the LVN

Well the D&H buddies came over to operate the LVN and Ron Newby was kind enought to snap some photos.

The first one was of my latest undustry. A lumber yard with a Walther;s kit as the main structyure. The building has a detailed interior with racks of wood. However signs and weathering remain to be done/ Also lots of detailing in the yard itself to come.

After Graeme finished with his grain train assignment he visited with Normand at the Richmon Yard. He is watchning the time saver puzzle in full swing and Norm finished the assignment in a timely manner.

Here Neil is eying the activity from the container terminal.

Michel and I are waiting in the siding as the coal drag enters the main crossover at Elspeth Tower.

Gilbert and Neil are focussing on their Container Hotshot as the next on the scedule following the Coal Mine switching operation.

Normand is explaining his next move to Graeme.

Lots of action on the LVN and I am sure glad I left lots of isle space for the operators.s

Monday, March 15, 2010


A new industry on the LVN. Newby Chemicals is a tank farm which allows the railway to deliver and pickup up Chemicals. Depicted on the railroad are Chlorine and Sulphur tanks. Surrounded by berms with piping leading to the platform.

This distant view shows where the facility is in relation to the other industries in this area. The tanks have a low profile so the operators can easily read car numbers on the team track and chemical track and there is ease of coupling and uncoupling.

From this angle you can see the piping arrangement. The outside sets of pipes lead to the tanks on the layout while the centre ones feed tank trucks and other tanks off the layout.

I also put chemical symbols and tank numbers to make it easy for the operators to drop off the appropriate cars in the right place. You can see the loading platform has hoses on stanchions for car loading and others on the deck for unloading.

I took this shot to show a little cheat. The platforms are from old Walther's scrap box material. they are hollow but this cannot be seen from the operators or visitors view..

The view from the piping (Walther's kit) shows the Plastruct valves and solder hoses. The berms are made from quarter rounds covered with Liquatex ceramic stucco and appropriate acrylic craft paint.

The pipes feed into the berm and then go underground and up into the tanks.

This overhead scene shows the Tichy tank arrangement and the layout of the complex.

Newby Chemicals was a fun build and is an easy way to make a great addition to the operation allowing tank cars to come and go and feed other industries on the layout.