A while back I posted some videos on Time Table and Train Orders (TT&Os). There were several requests that we show how to build a model railroad timetable. Doug Matheson and I got together with Michel Boucher and he took us through the concepts/considerations and steps in building the timetable for his D&H railroad.
In Part 1, Michel describes the process he went through to get the fundamental concepts and considerations for railroad operations. Then we progress through the building of the track plan which is a necessary first step. Michel discusses scale distance and how that is laid out using mileposts.
The next parts will demonstrate a step by step method focussing on the schematic diagram, spreadsheet time and distance sheets and finally the timetable itself. In addition there will be a segment showing some practical layout considerations to enhance the operations using a timetable.
The Excel PP and word documents associated with this series is at the link below.