Overland SD70M-2 Arrives

Well after a year of waiting this fine brass artwork arrived. This is CN 8000...one of thirtyfive made. I have spent the day running it in and after 5 hours she runs like a finely tuned timepiece. Some of the unique features of this run is that it comes with a digitrax decoder installed and has front and rear ditch lights.
This shot is taken beside the starboard coal mine in the cut. The view really shows off the topside.
The second shot taken from track level shows off the running gear and details around the cab, steps, anticlimber and plow.
The shot from the rear shows off the fans and grill work. They did a great job on the paint. Thanks to my supplier for the excellent wrapping/shipping job as everything arrived in perfect condition.

Chris - She's a real beaut. Very impressive. Also meant to ask you -is it ok to add your blog to my list of links for the Nottinghamsub.blogspot ?? Cheers.
Wayne Woodland
Hi Wayne. Yes please do add me to your links. I just got back from the first ever craftsman structures show in Mansfield Mass. All the great were there including Scotty Maison, Dave Frary, George Selios, Bryan Nolan, Mike Foss, Don Van Gelder etc etc. All Members of the railroadline forum and the whos who in the hobby.. We had a blast and all the limited edition kits were there. Everything from light houses to port/dock kits and buildings. castings and beer. etc etc. I will be away to Borden until Friday and will send you the links to this group. Post pictures to the blog as well. Ya gotta join us.
ps send me your email please as I cannot write back to you through your comments.
Just got back from Trainfest in Milwaukee. First time reader of your blog. That looks like an awesome engine. Way outside my budget.
Yes. To me its like art and you can appreciate it, own it and share it. I like to see it and run it every day. Visitors who operate my layout really have a good time running this locomotive. Glad you like it dr.john. It is very special.
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