Working on the new backdrop
My good wife Lela and I were working hard in the garage building this framework with 2x4 and particle board to create a raised area in front of the backdrop for my building flats. Wanted some dimension to the space to give it a busy city look and to elevate the area for better scenic effect. My friend Fred Adams was nice enough to cut the sizes we needed on his table saw. Followed by some G&Ts to celebrate.
The next picture shows the structure in place along the wall.
Next I put the buildings in place to see if I liked the effect.
The foreground building was brought in from a different location just to see what the height difference would look like.

Then I took it all down and I applied strips of plastic covered cardboard to create a corrugated metal look.
After spraying it with aluminum and some light weathering with cam green and sand, I put in the celluclay mixed with water and white glue. Took an artist painting knife and shaped it. It takes along time to dry so it is easy to work on.
Then I added diluted white glue and dirt. Then misted it with water.

Then I took it all down and I applied strips of plastic covered cardboard to create a corrugated metal look.

Hi Chris;
Thanks for leaving the kind words on my blog (Nottingham Sub). I too have an area on my layout that I have built an elevated area that I plan on putting some city -type buildings on.I have built the small platform, but havent gotten any further with it. Your pics are great, but unfortunately the last several for this post didnt show up. Also I noticed you mentioned using earth colored grout - I have been racking my brain for the last couple of days thinking what to use for a dirt area around my new mine (dont want to use ground foam) . I have spent alot of time digging on the net and have seen grout mentioned a few times - have you used it before - and if you have, any hints? Thanks Chris.
Hi Wayne.
I like it very much as it tones down the areas and is fine and natural.. Use just a little. You can also sand it for roads when it is thoroughly dry.. Put it on dry and then mist it with water. As it hardens you can put on more layers. You want it to be fully wet. It will dry hard. It comes in a kinds of colours. I used the sanded grout as it gives it some texture. The plain stuff is to much like icing sugar though I mix it in to provide more variable colours.
Also you can sprinkle it on a wet surface such as a location where you have used ground foam and it will create a more realistic random look.
For mounds of coal I use the cheap unscented kitty litter from Wal-Mart. I mist it thoroughly with water then Soak it with diluted white glue. I then sprinkle on real microwaved and sifted dirt and grout to cover it completely then put on the walthers cinders (medium and fine. Then mist it and add more diluted white glue
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