Had a great time building the Walthers Grain Elivators. I prepainted and decaled the parts before assembly. There is a good assortment of outbuildings and you can detail the insides if you leave the doors open. I played around with the order to try and simulate some of the configurations you see in small Alberta towns. The UGG and Alberta Grain Pool decals are from Microscale.

Here is a ground level shot and you can see the scale of these large structures with the intermountain Canada Trudeau Hopper on the siding.

Looking back the other way the finished part of the layout can be seen in the distance as well as the Robin Hood Flour Mill smoke stack.

The helo view gives you a look at the extensive yard which is used mostly for staging during operating sessions unless the locals, grain specials and coal drags have to work .

All in all it has been a fun project. I have some weathering to do and a few more structures to complete and place before I can go into the scenery work. That will not be long now
Great blog! I keep returning!
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