Finishing the raised backdrop/Industrial complex
So today was a great day to finish the project. I went down to the layout room this morning and put the scenery material on the upper surfaces of the slide in backdrop. I glued the buildings in and added bushes. Then over to the wall I went and painted the backdrop using the 3" brush technique using black and medium yellow to create the green hills. Then I built the SAFEWAY sign so the building had an owner. Then Lela came downstairs and helped me lift this puppy into place. I temporarly placed the mirror into the lower track passageway to see the effect. Stepped back and took some photos.

Very nice addition!
One tiny spot is dragging my eyes into it every time - the corner of the blue sky. Have you considered making a rounded inner corner in the sky, so that the backdrop corner is not so obvious.
But as always, Lela's and yours work get s me inspired!
Best regards, Olav in Norway
Chris, great job!
At first I wasn't too sure this building backdrop was a good choice, but seeing it installed and scenicked made me change my mind.
It is a beatiful work, congratulations!
Very nice work Chris. Love the weathered look.Cheers.
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