Passing Siding in and Container Terminal Started
Friday was a hoot at Mike Hamer's. We ran trains on the old Boston and Main and had a great time in the lounge munchin' on his home made muffins and sippin' tea. Really keeps you regular:) Also, I thought the rumble we experienced might have had something to do with it or it was a big audio sound on the video that Fred brought UP route (10 locomotives on one train to get up the 3+% grade), but it was an earthquake. Ya really... I then had a great time showing the guys my slides from the eighties. BC Hydro, BC Rail lightning Bolt and EXPO, Kennecott Coppers, Onieda and Western, Santa Fe, Chessie, VIA,TH&B,CBDC,CP and of Course CN. From Halifax to Vancouver. Really got me in the mood to lay the passing siding for the outside main on the Lyon Valley Northern on Saturday. The first picture shows the route to the right of the outside main and the turnouts at the yard throat. The unfinished track below goes to a coal mine. There is an unfinished run-around track next to the passing sidung. Sunday was an afternoon and evening cutting floor tile which happens to be a great match for weathered cement for the container terminal. Laying it in place gives me a good perspective on where the track will go and how the crane will fit over the rail to lift containers for the waiting trucks trailers. Progressive cutting and placing gave me a super project for this week. Track laying will then stop and I will begin building some structures so I can get a better perspective for the sidings, mines and grain terminal locations. That way I can figure how I want to build the background flats and foreground buildings to give the scenes some depth. The other photos show angles on the new container facility from each end. It sets next to the passing siding for the outside main.

Hey Chris, I hope your track-laying is better than your spelling! (grin) Seriously, the new areas on the layout look great. We'll have to get over for a second operating session sooner than later!
A great big "thank you" for enhancing my train ops evening with a spectacular batch of slides from the past!
Cheers, MIke Hamer
Neat idea about the floor tiles. Do you plan to score them at 20ft intervals or cut them apart into individual panels and them set them in place? You could crumble some edges and get a realistic texture going with a few patched butt joints and cracked panels.
THe shine has got to go though!
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