The visible staging yard is in February 2006

Well it was a busy week and I had the great fun putting in a eight track staging yard. This puppy is a real challenge trying to keep the flex track as straight as possible and move forward to get it done. This is the last big task as now I must fill in the blanks of the outside main. Outside arrival departure, container terminal mines and a grain terminal and a few boxcar tank industries:). I can feel the excitement as it will soon be on to structures and scenery. Here are a few photos of the staging progress.
Tomorrow night it is off to OVAR where we will enjoy another great evening of food, displays, presentations and time with good friends.
Hey I understand that Mike has a new blog for his layout. Wow this is great fun. Well done Mike. Soon all the gang will have one.
Here is a shot of a grain train pulled by two RS18s that were modified from the old Atlas KATO RS11s. Lots of fun. great hobby.

This yard will be home to three grain elevators, passanger station and a three track engine facility. This is the junction to the coal mine in one direction and the industrial area and container terminal out the other end.
Hi Chris,
The staging/classification yard looks fantastic. Amazing! Within the time frame of three months you've got the elements for an entertaining operation session. The ability is there to transfer traffic between the two yards with possible destination industries along the "time saver" area. I can't wait to get back there!
Cheers, Mike
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