Putting in the Benchwork November 2005

I started to work in a triangular room by taping the floor to establish where the benchwork could fit giving adequate space for walkways. It became an around the room concept with a centre 12 foot extension. My idea was to have a double track main with major classification yard industries and a double ended visable staging area. I went with 2x4 consrtuction which greatly reduced the cross bracing and enabled the drilling of holes for wire. The top was 3/4 inch particle board giving a good solid foundation for the layout. The 2x4s were cut and fitted in 8' by 34" sections where ever possible and the legs were cut to fit a 48" height off the floor. The legs were doubled with one part attached on the inside to the bench work and the other underneith the benchwork to maximize support. I used three inch deck screws for the 2/4s and 2 gyprock screws for the particle board.
Hey Chris, with all that 2x4 construction we can build an apartment tower above your house and rent out suites to fellow model railroaders! This should help fund both our layouts! (big grin)
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