It has been some time
I have not had much time lately to work on the LVN. That being said Lela and I have been golfing every day and with work and all I just have not been downstairs. I have been working on a slide show presentation for OVAR. Here are a few bits for your enjoyment. Lela and I are going to Pennsylvania in the next while so I may have some shots of the Norfolk Southern.

Hi Chris;
Thanks for the post. Yes progress always seems to slow this time of the year on ones layout.Knowing that the fall will bring renewed intrest/available time is always one of the things to look forward to.I had the pleasure of meeting one of your group this past weekend - Stan. He and I were guess operators on Scott Jays BS&T. We were both visting Scotts layout on the same night - see my blog for pictures of the visit. Say hello again for me. Cheers Chris. Till next time...
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